Wednesday, December 19, 2007


There are a few choice bits of irony that I thought I'd point out in all the guff Romney is getting for being Mormon.

  • Harry Reid, the current Senate Majority Leader and highest-ranking Democrat in the country, is a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. He's fourth in line for President if the President, V.P., and Speaker of the House were incapacitated. I didn't hear anyone question his faith when he was appointed.
  • Mike Leavitt, the current Secretary of Health and Human Services, is a member. Members of our church have also served as Secretary of Education, Secretary of the Interior, U.S. Treasurer, Secretary of Agriculture, and Solicitor General. Ezra Taft Benson, who served as Secretary of Agriculture, later became president of our church.
  • The Mormon Tabernacle Choir has sung for 10 U.S. Presidents. Ronald Reagan declared it "America's Choir" and George H.W. Bush called it a "national treasure." What other "cult" (as many evangelicals would label our church) has had its flagship choir perform at 5 presidential inaugurations and the funerals of 2 presidents?
  • Speaking of music, google "Mack Wilberg Baptist." Mack Wilberg is a composer and arranger who is currently an Associate Director of the Mormon Tabernacle Choir. Doing this search turns up web pages for hundreds of Baptist congregations who are using his arrangements of hymns. So Baptists claim the Jesus we worship is not their Jesus, and that we aren't Christians, and yet they use music arranged by a Mormon in their worship services? Weird.

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